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Who am I?

Selamat datang

Hi there! Lovely to meet you. My name is Ariel-Micaiah Heswall. I am currently a PhD student at the University of Auckland studying seabird sensory ecology. 


I was born and raised in a small little country in South East Asia in Brunei Darussalem. I can speak a little bit of the local Malay language and enjoy learning about the vast culture. While I grew up in Brunei, I discovered an array of wonderful and vibrant wildlife which would shape my passion in animal conservation. 


I moved to New Zealand to complete my undergraduate in Marine Science at the University of Auckland. There, my curiosity for seabirds bloomed especially from a sensory ecological and behavioural perspective. This was thanks to my amazing supervisor Dr. Anne Gaskett! I went on to complete my Honour's on seabird sensory ecology looking at different sizes of sensory features and morphology in relation to attraction towards fishing vessels.


Currently I am undertaking a PhD studying the threats to seabirds from their own sensory perspective. This includes studying light attraction, seabird fallout and ingestion of plastic colours using seabird sensory ecology. 

About Me: About Us

Hobbies and Experiences

Growing up in Brunei Darussalem I enjoyed going outdoors into the rainforest. I learned how to ride horses and sail for over a decade, competing in local races at my yacht club at the time. I also love dancing and took ballet lessons from a young age and various other forms of dance.


I volunteered for the NZ Department of Conservation in their Argentine Ant project in 2018 on Great Mercury Island. In 2018 I have also collaborated with the University of Auckland's Department of Computer Sciences and Marine Science department to research on the productivity of macromona in the Whangateau Estuary. 


I was employed in the catering and hospitality industry from 2018-2020. Since November 2020 I have had a summer job and have been volunteering at BirdCare Aotearoa, a DOC permitted avian rehabilitation centre, tending and caring for the sick or injured birds.


I am also improving my bird banding skills and am a level 1 bander and have banded over 30 seabirds and 20 terrestrial birds. I have been supervised under Dr. Kristal Cain, John Stewart and James Russel. 

I am also a communications officer for the Pacific Seabird Group assisting with their social media, particularly the Instagram page.


I am also the research coordinator for BirdCare Aotearoa helping to coordinate any research occurring at the rehabilitation centre.

About Me: About Us

Trainings, Awards and Associations


  • Bird Banding Course (June 2022) - learned to band birds

  • Outdoor First Aid (exp June 2023). 

  • Learn Bird Care course (April 2021) - I know how to perform gavage and give medicines to birds as well as tie bandages.  

  • Frontline Wildlife Intensive Workshop in May 2021 learning about being a frontline worker for bird rehabilitation.



  • Best student oral presentation award (PhD category) at the Pacific Seabird Conference 2022.

  • The University of Auckland Faculty of Science Sustainability Research Award 2019



  • Birds NZ

  • Pacific Seabird Group

  • Australasian Society for Animal Behaviour

  • Wildlife Rehabilitators Network of New Zealand

About Me: About Us
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